
Friday, June 17, 2011

An example of improving performance using PyOpenCL: Further improvements to the Ellipse Fit Program

openCL objective call times

Figure 1

Problem Statement:

Can using OpenCL with Python significantly improve the performance of the Ellipse Fit problem? This problem was introduced here and improved on here using vectorization, and here using parallelization.


OpenCL is an open, royalty free, cross platform standard for parallel programming on heterogeneous systems. PyOpenCL is a wrapper for OpenCL which allows blending an OpenCL program into a Python script. PyOpenCL requires some setup to incorporate into a script. Any OpenCL program must be configured to work with a Python script. In general, a text representation of the OpenCL function (work task) is created. The device which will execute the program needs to be selected. The function needs to have input and output buffers defined to move data between the main program and the device which will execute the work task. Before the work task is called, the input buffers must be filled with data. The text representation of the work task must be compiled before execution. Finally, the function is called and it loads data into the output buffers when it completes.

One advantage of OpenCL is the ability to move a program among different devices for execution. One of the disadvantages is that there are multiple tuning aspects to tune which can affect performance. The best configuration for one device is usually not optimal for other devices.

Testing Setup:

To recreate these experiments, recreate the test setup here, then add the objective function from here. Then add the new function Finally, overwrite the script with the one here.

This module contains an objective function for the ellipse fitting problem.
The objective is coded using vectorized operations.


from numpy import *
import pyopencl as cl
from string import Template

# local imports
import objective_scalar

class Objective(objective_scalar.Objective):

    def __init__(self,parameters):
        precision_dict = {
        self.platform_name      = parameters.get('platform_name',None)
        self.platform_precision = parameters.get('platform_precision','double') 
        self.partial_sum_loc    = parameters.get('partial_sum_loc','__global')           
        self.numpy_prec = precision_dict[self.platform_precision]
        openCL_prec = self.platform_precision
        point_list = self._p    
        x,y  = zip(*point_list)
        self.x  = array(x,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.y  = array(y,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.f1 = array([0,0],copy=True,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.f2 = array([0,0],copy=True,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.a  = array([0],copy=True,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.num_elements = len(x)
        platforms = cl.get_platforms()
        if len(platforms)>1 and not self.platform_name is None:
            # select the the first device in list
            for platform in platforms:
                if self.platform_name in
                    # use first device for context
                    for device in platform.get_devices():
                        self.ctx = cl.Context([device])
                        self.device = device
            self.ctx = cl.create_some_context()    
        if 'NVIDIA' in self.platform_name:
            compiler_options = '-cl-mad-enable -cl-fast-relaxed-math'
            compiler_options = ''
        #self.ctx = cl.create_some_context()
        self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(self.ctx)
        # define the input buffers and transfer data into them
        mf = cl.mem_flags
        self.x_buf  = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.x)
        self.y_buf  = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.y)
        self.f1_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.f1)
        self.f2_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.f2)
        self.a_buf  = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.a)
        # define the output buffer
        self.partial_sum_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.x.nbytes)
        self.full_sum_buf    = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY, array([0],dtype=self.numpy_prec).nbytes) 

        # prep the container to the output
        self.partial_sum = empty(self.x.shape,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.full_sum    = empty(array([0],dtype=self.numpy_prec).shape,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        # define local memory if needed
        if not self.partial_sum_loc=='__global':
            self.local_partial_sum = cl.LocalMemory(self.x.nbytes)            
        code_pattern= Template("""
            #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: enable
            __kernel void partial_sum(
            __global const ${precision} *x,
            __global const ${precision} *y, 
            __global const ${precision} *f1,
            __global const ${precision} *f2,
            __global const ${precision} *a,
            ${partial_sum_loc} ${precision} *partial_sum)
              int gid = get_global_id(0);
              ${precision} x_f1_diff = x[gid]-f1[0];
              ${precision} x_f2_diff = x[gid]-f2[0];
              ${precision} y_f1_diff = y[gid]-f1[1];
              ${precision} y_f2_diff = y[gid]-f2[1];
              ${precision} x_f1_diff_sq = x_f1_diff*x_f1_diff; 
              ${precision} x_f2_diff_sq = x_f2_diff*x_f2_diff;
              ${precision} y_f1_diff_sq = y_f1_diff*y_f1_diff;
              ${precision} y_f2_diff_sq = y_f2_diff*y_f2_diff;
              ${precision} norm_pt_to_f1 = sqrt(x_f1_diff_sq+y_f1_diff_sq);
              ${precision} norm_pt_to_f2 = sqrt(x_f2_diff_sq+y_f2_diff_sq);
              ${precision} t1 = norm_pt_to_f1+norm_pt_to_f2-2*a[0];
            __kernel void full_sum(
            ${partial_sum_loc} ${precision} *partial_sum,
            __global ${precision} *full_sum)
              long i;
              ${precision} sum=0;
              for(i=0; i<${num_elements}; i++) {
                  sum += partial_sum[i];
              full_sum[0] = sum;
            __kernel void full_sum2(
            __global ${precision} *partial_sum)
              int gid = get_global_id(0);
              long i;
              long mid_point = (${num_elements}+1)/2;
              if (gid>mid_point) {
              } else {
        substitutions = {'precision':openCL_prec,
        prg = code_pattern.substitute(substitutions)
        # define the function to be executed
        self.prg = cl.Program(self.ctx, prg).build(options=compiler_options)

    def __call__(self,x):
        Calculate the objective cost in the optimization problem.
        a      = x[0]
        self.a  = array([x[0]],copy=False,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.f1 = array([x[1],x[2]],copy=False,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.f2 = array([x[3],x[4]],copy=False,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        # trigger transfer of values to the GPU buffers
        # only those values which changed before this evaluation need to be updated
        mf = cl.mem_flags        
        self.f1_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.f1)
        self.f2_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.f2)
        self.a_buf  = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.a)
        # execute the partial_sum function
        if self.partial_sum_loc == '__global':
            self.prg.partial_sum(self.queue, self.x.shape, None,
            # trigger the copy of the results into the partial_sum container after completion
            cl.enqueue_read_buffer(self.queue, self.partial_sum_buf, self.partial_sum).wait()
            # execute the full_sum function
            self.prg.full_sum(self.queue, (1,), None,
            self.prg.partial_sum(self.queue, self.x.shape, (8,),
            self.prg.full_sum(self.queue, (1,), None,
        # trigger the copy of the results into the partial_sum container after completion
        cl.enqueue_read_buffer(self.queue, self.full_sum_buf, self.full_sum).wait()

        # compare sums
        #print (sum(self.full_sum)-sum(self.partial_sum))
        #print (sum(self.full_sum),sum(self.partial_sum))

        # finish up the calculations 
        point_list = self._p
        n = float(len(point_list))
        _lambda =0.1
        #full_sum = sum(self.partial_sum)
        total = (self.full_sum/float(n) + 
        return total

    def _del_(self):

if __name__=='__main__':
    import time
    from random import uniform,normalvariate,seed
    # local modules
    import ellipse

    # setup test conditions
    num_reps = 1   
    num_pts = 1e6
    precision = 'float'
    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results
    # setup the reference ellipse
    # define the foci locations
    foci1_ref = array([2,-1])
    foci2_ref = array([-2,1])
    # define distance from foci to ellipse circumference
    a_ref = 2.5
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list,
                   "platform_name" : 'NVIDIA',
                   "platform_precisions" : precision}
    # test the function on an NVIDIA card
    t0 = time.time()
    my_objective = Objective(parameters)  
    x = my_objective.x0

    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(0,num_reps):
        y  = my_objective(x)    
    t2 = time.time()
    print ''
    print 'NVIDIA initialization took %f sec' % (t1-t0)
    print 'NVIDIA execution took %f sec' % (t2-t1)
    print 'Executed %i times on %s' % (num_reps,
    print ''
    # test the function on an intel CPU
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list,
                   "platform_name" : 'Intel',
                   "platform_precisions" : precision}
    t0 = time.time()
    my_objective = Objective(parameters)
    x = my_objective.x0

    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(0,num_reps):
        y  = my_objective(x)    
    t2 = time.time()    
    print ''
    print 'Intel initialization took %f sec' % (t1-t0)
    print 'Intel execution took %f sec' % (t2-t1)
    print 'Executed %i times on %s' % (num_reps,
    print ''

This module tests the performance of different ways of
   forming the ellipse fit objective function and
   its impact on the ellipse fit optimization

__author__ = 'Ed Tate'
__email__  = 'edtate<at>gmail-dot-com'
__website__ = ''
__license__ = 'Creative Commons Attribute By -'''

import time
from random import uniform, normalvariate, seed
from numpy import *
import pylab as plt
from openopt import NLP
import gc

# local modules
import ellipse
import objective_scalar
import objective_vectorized
import objective_vectorized_parallel
import objective_openCL


# setup test conditions
num_reps = 2

seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results

# setup the reference ellipse

# define the foci locations
foci1_ref = array([2,-1])
foci2_ref = array([-2,1])
# define distance from foci to ellipse circumference
a_ref = 2.5

# setup the OpenCL Objective classes for CPU and GPU verions of the 
#     OpenCL version of the objective function

class objective_openCL_GPU_Objective(objective_openCL.Objective):
    def __init__(self,parameters):
class objective_openCL_CPU_Objective(objective_openCL.Objective):
    def __init__(self,parameters):

objective_functions = [objective_scalar.Objective,
legends = ['scalar','vectorized','vectorized parallel',
           'OpenCL on NVIDIA GPU',
           'OpenCL on Intel i7 CPU']

# measure the timing to setup and call the objective function

num_pts_list = [10,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000,50000,1e5,1e6]
#num_pts_list = [10,100,250]

setup_times = []
call_times  = []
for num_pts in num_pts_list:

    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results    
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list }
    test_setup_times = []
    test_call_times = []
    for objective_function in objective_functions:
        t0 = time.time()
        my_objective = objective_function(parameters)
        x0 = my_objective.x0
        t1 = time.time()
        for i in range(0,num_reps):
            y  = my_objective(x0)    
        t2 = time.time()
        del my_objective
    print 'Evaluated %i points' % num_pts

# plot the results
plt.legend(legends,loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Number of points')
plt.ylabel('Execution Time [sec]')
plt.title('Times for %i calls to objective function' % num_reps)

# test the performance when used in an optimizer

num_pts_list = [10,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000]
#num_pts_list = [10,100,250]

setup_times = []
call_times  = []
for num_pts in num_pts_list:
    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results    
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list }
    test_setup_times = []
    test_call_times = []
    for objective_function in objective_functions:
        t0 = time.time()
        my_objective = objective_function(parameters)
        x0 = my_objective.x0
        p_vectorized = NLP(my_objective, x0, iprint = -1)
        t1 = time.time()
        opt_result = p_vectorized.solve('ralg')
        t2 = time.time()
        print '%s : %s' % (opt_result.xf,objective_function)
        del my_objective
        gc.collect()   # force release of resources held by the objective
    print 'Evaluated %i points' % num_pts

# plot the results
plt.legend(legends,loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Number of points')
plt.ylabel('Execution Time [sec]')
plt.title('Times to solve the ellipse fit problem')

Testing results:

   Figure 1 shows the difference in time to call the objective function for the various methods of implementing the objective function. From this chart, the worst performing method is to implement the objective function as a scalar. The best performing implementation is to implement the function using OpenCL on the CPU. This variation in performance is not as stark when the objective function is used in the Ellipse Fit problem. In fact, because the ellipse fit problem measures data transfer times and computation times, the ordering of the performance changes. When just measuring the time to evaluate the objective function, the increasing order of performance is scalar, parallelized & vectorized, vectorized, OpenCL on GPU, and the best performance is OpenCL on the CPU. Furthermore, as the problem scale changed, the relative performance ratios stay relatively constant.When the ellipse fit problem is solved, the ordering changes and the relative slopes change. One reason for this is the overhead associated with the optimization routines. Another reason is the increased time which includes time to transfer data into the GPU. Another interesting result is that the execution times do not change much as the problem size increases. This is probably due to the efficiency of the computation and the efficiency of block transfers of data.

openCL fit call times

Figure 2

One other thing to note is that these different methods of computation have different resolutions in the floating point numbers. Because of these differences in the resolution, the optimization problem finds slightly different answers. The console output shows the differences in the results of the optimization. In general, for the larger problems, the difference are about one part in 10,0000.

Console Output:

Evaluated 10 points
Evaluated 100 points
Evaluated 250 points
Evaluated 500 points
Evaluated 1000 points
Evaluated 2500 points
Evaluated 5000 points
Evaluated 10000 points
Evaluated 50000 points
Evaluated 100000 points
Evaluated 1000000 points


[ 2.53977781 -1.9791083   1.11795369  1.90068376 -0.97398384] : <class 'objective_scalar.Objective'>
[ 2.53978396 -1.97911311  1.11797418  1.90068553 -0.97399285] : <class 'objective_vectorized.Objective'>
[ 2.53980864 -1.9791325   1.11805566  1.90069183 -0.97402764] : <class 'objective_vectorized_parallel.Objective'>
[ 2.53972748 -1.97906577  1.1177896   1.90067428 -0.9739137 ] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_GPU_Objective'>
[ 2.53977167 -1.97910332  1.11793354  1.90068234 -0.97397521] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_CPU_Objective'>
Evaluated 10 points


[ 2.566147   -1.95135142  1.0549304   2.16680656 -1.10160299] : <class 'objective_scalar.Objective'>
[ 2.56614697 -1.95134842  1.05492776  2.16681334 -1.10160238] : <class 'objective_vectorized.Objective'>
[ 2.56614691 -1.95134982  1.05492914  2.16680969 -1.1016027 ] : <class 'objective_vectorized_parallel.Objective'>
[ 2.56614661 -1.95134401  1.05492394  2.16682259 -1.10160128] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_GPU_Objective'>
[ 2.56614672 -1.95134937  1.05492891  2.16680991 -1.10160258] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_CPU_Objective'>
Evaluated 100 points


[ 2.56330383 -2.0896741   1.06288154  2.04214077 -1.05030978] : <class 'objective_scalar.Objective'>
[ 2.5633038  -2.08967399  1.06288158  2.04214065 -1.05031   ] : <class 'objective_vectorized.Objective'>
[ 2.56330231 -2.08967161  1.06288221  2.04213788 -1.05031417] : <class 'objective_vectorized_parallel.Objective'>
[ 2.56330174 -2.08967069  1.0628825   2.04213675 -1.05031584] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_GPU_Objective'>
[ 2.56330119 -2.08966978  1.0628827   2.04213573 -1.05031742] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_CPU_Objective'>
Evaluated 250 points


[ 2.55213105 -2.06212704  1.05749405  2.02108216 -1.05369719] : <class 'objective_scalar.Objective'>
[ 2.55390449 -2.0623902   1.05823288  2.02404738 -1.05682491] : <class 'objective_vectorized.Objective'>
[ 2.54907192 -2.05769363  1.05956421  2.01575473 -1.05475975] : <class 'objective_vectorized_parallel.Objective'>
[ 2.55212491 -2.06209759  1.05747762  2.02105559 -1.05370312] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_GPU_Objective'>
[ 2.5518505  -2.06217932  1.05803857  2.02239691 -1.05392966] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_CPU_Objective'>
Evaluated 500 points


[ 2.61796899 -2.14539556  1.11170214  2.12027043 -1.09253186] : <class 'objective_scalar.Objective'>
[ 2.61708437 -2.14479931  1.10835605  2.12087692 -1.090721  ] : <class 'objective_vectorized.Objective'>
[ 2.61761133 -2.14669529  1.1089428   2.12139812 -1.09022015] : <class 'objective_vectorized_parallel.Objective'>
[ 2.61753131 -2.14662822  1.10869732  2.12152618 -1.09010436] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_GPU_Objective'>
[ 2.61763094 -2.14672541  1.10895434  2.12136288 -1.09017078] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_CPU_Objective'>
Evaluated 1000 points


[ 2.60471429 -2.11563461  1.06998647  2.13374471 -1.0697982 ] : <class 'objective_scalar.Objective'>
[ 2.60416974 -2.11432462  1.07083334  2.13291023 -1.07026969] : <class 'objective_vectorized.Objective'>
[ 2.60416139 -2.1136674   1.0722599   2.13226116 -1.07119697] : <class 'objective_vectorized_parallel.Objective'>
[ 2.60527276 -2.11598152  1.07174066  2.13404717 -1.07158798] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_GPU_Objective'>
[ 2.60428855 -2.11418258  1.07163536  2.13309981 -1.07148272] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_CPU_Objective'>
Evaluated 2500 points


[ 2.65236805 -2.17113736  1.11832436  2.18090649 -1.10477807] : <class 'objective_scalar.Objective'>
[ 2.65236757 -2.17113597  1.11832359  2.18090679 -1.10477991] : <class 'objective_vectorized.Objective'>
[ 2.65236655 -2.1711387   1.1183202   2.18090519 -1.10477049] : <class 'objective_vectorized_parallel.Objective'>
[ 2.65124389 -2.17148832  1.11786432  2.17945815 -1.10311976] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_GPU_Objective'>
[ 2.65124383 -2.17148872  1.11786446  2.17945781 -1.10311962] : <class '__main__.objective_openCL_CPU_Objective'>
Evaluated 5000 points




  • Using PyOpenCl is significantly faster then Numpy in this problem when using the CPU or the GPU to perform the calculation. The OpenCL version of the objective function solved on the GPU was over 10 times faster than the Numpy version of the objective function. The OpenCL version solved on the CPU was almost 100 times faster then the Numpy version.
  • The OpenCL version of the objective function was able to be redirected from the the GPU to the CPU using a a single line of code.
  • Using the native CPU with OpenCL is significantly faster then using the GPU for this problem. For this problem, the performance difference is related to the fact that the computational load is roughly proportional the quantity of data which is transferred into the device. When the OpenCL program executes on the CPU, the data transfer times are very low. When the OpenCL program runs on the GPU, global memory is used, which requires a data transfer from the CPU’s memory space to the GPU memory space. This is usually relatively slow.
  • Because of the differences in the numeric representation of the floating point values, the OpenCL calculations introduce differences in the calculations compared to the scalar, the Numpy, and parallelized Numpy representations.


Hardware Configuration:

  • Pythonxy 2.6.6
  • PyOpenCL 0.92
  • Sony Vaio VPCF1
    • Intel i7  Q740 @ 1.73 GHz
    • NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M @ 1.12 GHz



  • Khronos Group OpenCL Standard
  • NVIDIA OpenCL manuals
  • Intel OpenCL manuals
  • PyOpenCL Home Page
  • PyOpenCL Documents
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Draft: Solving the ellipse fit problem using PyOpenCL–recoding the objective function

Problem Statement

Can PyOpenCL be used to improve the performance of the ellipse fit problem.


The objection function can be recoded using PyOpenCL. This module simplifies experimentation with global and local memory and it simplifies selecting the calculation precision.

To test this get the other code snippets from here. Install all of the modules in a directory, then run this module.

This module contains an objective function for the ellipse fitting problem.
The objective is coded using vectorized operations.


__author__ = 'Ed Tate'
__email__  = 'edtate<at>gmail-dot-com'
__website__ = ''
__license__ = 'Creative Commons Attribute By -'''

from numpy import *
import pyopencl as cl
from string import Template

# local imports
import objective_scalar

class Objective(objective_scalar.Objective):

    def __init__(self,parameters):
        precision_dict = {
        self.platform_name      = parameters.get('platform_name',None)
        self.platform_precision = parameters.get('platform_precision','double') 
        self.partial_sum_loc    = parameters.get('partial_sum_loc','__global')           
        self.numpy_prec = precision_dict[self.platform_precision]
        openCL_prec = self.platform_precision
        point_list = self._p    
        x,y  = zip(*point_list)
        self.x  = array(x,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.y  = array(y,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.f1 = array([0,0],copy=True,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.f2 = array([0,0],copy=True,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.a  = array([0],copy=True,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.num_elements = len(x)
        platforms = cl.get_platforms()
        if len(platforms)>1 and not self.platform_name is None:
            # select the the first device in list
            for platform in platforms:
                if self.platform_name in
                    # use first device for context
                    for device in platform.get_devices():
                        self.ctx = cl.Context([device])
                        self.device = device
            self.ctx = cl.create_some_context()    
        if 'NVIDIA' in self.platform_name:
            compiler_options = '-cl-mad-enable -cl-fast-relaxed-math'
            compiler_options = ''
        #self.ctx = cl.create_some_context()
        self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(self.ctx)
        # define the input buffers and transfer data into them
        mf = cl.mem_flags
        self.x_buf  = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.x)
        self.y_buf  = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.y)
        self.f1_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.f1)
        self.f2_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.f2)
        self.a_buf  = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.a)
        # define the output buffer
        self.partial_sum_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.x.nbytes)
        self.full_sum_buf    = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY, array([0],dtype=self.numpy_prec).nbytes) 

        # prep the container to the output
        self.partial_sum = empty(self.x.shape,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.full_sum    = empty(array([0],dtype=self.numpy_prec).shape,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        # define local memory
        self.local_partial_sum = cl.LocalMemory(self.x.nbytes)            
        code_pattern= Template("""
            #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: enable
            __kernel void partial_sum(
            __global const ${precision} *x,
            __global const ${precision} *y, 
            __global const ${precision} *f1,
            __global const ${precision} *f2,
            __global const ${precision} *a,
            ${partial_sum_loc} ${precision} *partial_sum)
              int gid = get_global_id(0);
              ${precision} x_f1_diff = x[gid]-f1[0];
              ${precision} x_f2_diff = x[gid]-f2[0];
              ${precision} y_f1_diff = y[gid]-f1[1];
              ${precision} y_f2_diff = y[gid]-f2[1];
              ${precision} x_f1_diff_sq = x_f1_diff*x_f1_diff; 
              ${precision} x_f2_diff_sq = x_f2_diff*x_f2_diff;
              ${precision} y_f1_diff_sq = y_f1_diff*y_f1_diff;
              ${precision} y_f2_diff_sq = y_f2_diff*y_f2_diff;
              ${precision} norm_pt_to_f1 = sqrt(x_f1_diff_sq+y_f1_diff_sq);
              ${precision} norm_pt_to_f2 = sqrt(x_f2_diff_sq+y_f2_diff_sq);
              ${precision} t1 = norm_pt_to_f1+norm_pt_to_f2-2*a[0];
            __kernel void full_sum(
            ${partial_sum_loc} ${precision} *partial_sum,
            __global ${precision} *full_sum)
              long i;
              ${precision} sum=0;
              for(i=0; i<${num_elements}; i++) {
                  sum += partial_sum[i];
              full_sum[0] = sum;
            __kernel void full_sum2(
            __global ${precision} *partial_sum)
              int gid = get_global_id(0);
              long i;
              long mid_point = (${num_elements}+1)/2;
              if (gid>mid_point) {
              } else {
        substitutions = {'precision':openCL_prec,
        prg = code_pattern.substitute(substitutions)
        # define the function to be executed
        self.prg = cl.Program(self.ctx, prg).build(options=compiler_options)

    def __call__(self,x):
        Calculate the objective cost in the optimization problem.
        a      = x[0]
        self.a  = array([x[0]],copy=False,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.f1 = array([x[1],x[2]],copy=False,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        self.f2 = array([x[3],x[4]],copy=False,dtype=self.numpy_prec)
        # trigger transfer of values to the GPU buffers
        # only those values which changed before this evaluation need to be updated
        mf = cl.mem_flags        
        self.f1_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.f1)
        self.f2_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.f2)
        self.a_buf  = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.a)
        # execute the partial_sum function
        if self.partial_sum_loc == '__global':
            # trigger the copy of the results into the partial_sum container after completion
            cl.enqueue_read_buffer(self.queue, self.partial_sum_buf, self.partial_sum).wait()
            # execute the full_sum function
        # trigger the copy of the results into the partial_sum container after completion
        cl.enqueue_read_buffer(self.queue, self.full_sum_buf, self.full_sum).wait()

        # compare sums
        print (sum(self.full_sum)-sum(self.partial_sum))
        print (sum(self.full_sum),sum(self.partial_sum))

        # finish up the calculations 
        n = float(len(point_list))
        _lambda =0.1
        #full_sum = sum(self.partial_sum)
        total = (self.full_sum/float(n) + 
        return total

    def _del_(self):

if __name__=='__main__':
    import time
    from random import uniform,normalvariate,seed
    # local modules
    import ellipse

    # setup test conditions
    num_reps = 100    
    num_pts = 256
    precision = 'float'
    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results
    # setup the reference ellipse
    # define the foci locations
    foci1_ref = array([2,-1])
    foci2_ref = array([-2,1])
    # define distance from foci to ellipse circumference
    a_ref = 2.5
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list,
                   "platform_name" : 'NVIDIA',
                   "platform_precisions" : precision}
    # test the function on an NVIDIA card
    t0 = time.time()
    my_objective = Objective(parameters)  
    x = my_objective.x0

    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(0,num_reps):
        y  = my_objective(x)    
    t2 = time.time()
    print ''
    print 'NVIDIA initialization took %f sec' % (t1-t0)
    print 'NVIDIA execution took %f sec' % (t2-t1)
    print 'Executed %i times on %s' % (num_reps,
    print ''
    # test the function on an intel CPU
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list,
                   "platform_name" : 'Intel',
                   "platform_precisions" : precision}
    t0 = time.time()
    my_objective = Objective(parameters)
    x = my_objective.x0

    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(0,num_reps):
        y  = my_objective(x)    
    t2 = time.time()    
    print ''
    print 'Intel initialization took %f sec' % (t1-t0)
    print 'Intel execution took %f sec' % (t2-t1)
    print 'Executed %i times on %s' % (num_reps,
    print ''

Next Steps:

  • Integrate with the ellipse fit problem
  • Explain the behavior of the code example
  • Measure performance wrt scalar and vectorized solutions
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Parallelizing Function Calls: An Example Using the Ellipse Fit

Problem Statement

Can Parallel Python improve the performance of the ellipse fit algorithm? Under which conditions will Parallel Python offer performance advantages.


Breaking an algorithm into pieces which are executed in parallel on multiple CPU’s can speed up execution time. One way to estimate the best theoretical improvement is to use Amdahl’s law. This law estimates the performance improvement by breaking an algorithm in a portion which can be parallelized and a portion which is serial in nature. This is an upper estimate of the benefits of parallelization.

In practical parallelization, there may be overheads associated with getting things running on multiple CPUs. In Python, there are several issues to consider. The first is that that C implementation of Python does not natively support true parallelization. This is associated with issues deep in the interpreter (search on Python GIL for more information). Therefore, any library that supports parallelization needs to work around the issues with the GIL. Implementations like JPython and IronPython do not suffer from these issues.

One easy to use library is Parallel Python. It allows a program to establish a set of local and remote servers which are passed  functions and all of the information for successfully call those functions. The relative ease of use is offset by the fact that when the server’s are setup, there is a time cost. Also, then passing the functions, parameters, and everything else, there is a time cost. The experiments here looked at the use of this library in the ellipse fitting problem and compared the execution time to other solutions.


To test the use of Parallel Python, the objective class previously developed was reused. An instance of this class behaves like a function by supporting the __call__ method. More importantly, the __init__ method and the __del__ method are overridden to create and destroy the Parallel Python job servers. To use these scripts, install them in the same directory as the scripts from here.

The first script implements the objective function, parallelizes it using Parallel Python. All of the calculations are performed using vectorized math. The objective function is implemented in the Objective class. In this class, when __init__ is called, the parameters used by the objective function are stored with the class instance, the number of parallel processes for execution are determined, and the Parallel Python jobs server is started. This causes a new instance of Python to be started for each process which will be used. When the __call__ method is invoke by a call to the class instance, then the calculation is broken up into pieces and dispatched to the job servers. When the objective function is no longer needed and the garbage collector invokes the __del__ method, the servers are destroyed.

This module contains an objective function for the ellipse fitting problem.
The objective is coded using vectorized operations which are
   parallelized using parallel python.


from numpy import *
from numpy import linalg as LA
import objective_scalar
import pp
class Objective(objective_scalar.Objective):
    def __init__(self,parameters):
        self.ncpus = parameters.get('ncpus','autodetect')
        self.job_server = pp.Server(self.ncpus)
        # because autodetect may have been used, use get_ncpus to 
        # get physical number of cpus
        self.ncpus = self.job_server.get_ncpus()

    def __call__(self,x):
        Calculate the objective cost in the optimization problem using
           vectorized equations.
        point_list = self._p
        foci1 = array([x[1],x[2]])
        foci2 = array([x[3],x[4]])
        a     = x[0]
        n = float(len(point_list))
        _lambda = 0.1
        def solve_sub_problem(point_list,foci1,foci2,a):
            pt_diff1 = point_list - foci1
            pt_diff2 = point_list - foci2
            x_f1_diff = pt_diff1[:,0]
            x_f2_diff = pt_diff2[:,0]
            y_f1_diff = pt_diff1[:,1]
            y_f2_diff = pt_diff2[:,1]
            x_f1_diff_sq = numpy.power(x_f1_diff,2)   
            x_f2_diff_sq = numpy.power(x_f2_diff,2)   
            y_f1_diff_sq = numpy.power(y_f1_diff,2)   
            y_f2_diff_sq = numpy.power(y_f2_diff,2)
            norm_pt_to_f1 = numpy.power(x_f1_diff_sq+y_f1_diff_sq,0.5)
            norm_pt_to_f2 = numpy.power(x_f2_diff_sq+y_f2_diff_sq,0.5)
            temp = numpy.power(norm_pt_to_f1+norm_pt_to_f2-2*a,2)
            part_sum = numpy.sum(temp)
            return part_sum
        jobs = []
        numpts = n
        sigma    = self._sigma
        ahat_max = self._ahat_max
        inc = math.ceil(n/float(self.ncpus))
        endi = 0
        for i in range(0,self.ncpus):
            starti = endi
            endi = int(min(starti+inc,n))
            # make a copy of point list which is smaller
            #   to minimize the time in transferring to the
            #   parallel processes
            local_point_list = array(point_list)[starti:endi,:]
        total = sum([job() for job in jobs])/n    
        total += _lambda*ahat_max*sigma*exp((a/ahat_max)**4)
        return total
    def __del__(self):

if __name__=='__main__':
    import time
    from random import seed

    # local modules
    import ellipse

    # setup test conditions
    num_reps = 100    
    num_pts = 256
    precision = 'float'
    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results
    # setup the reference ellipse
    # define the foci locations
    foci1_ref = array([2,-1])
    foci2_ref = array([-2,1])
    # define distance from foci to ellipse circumference
    a_ref = 2.5
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list ,
                   "ncpus"      : 'autodetect'}

    # test the function
    t0 = time.time()
    my_objective = Objective(parameters)
    x0 = my_objective.x0
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(0,num_reps):
        y  = my_objective(x0)    
    t2 = time.time()
    print ''
    print 'Initialization took %f sec' % (t1-t0)
    print 'Using %i cpus' % my_objective.ncpus
    print 'Execution took %f sec' % (t2-t1)
    print 'Executed %i times.' % (num_reps)
    print ''

    ref_objective = objective_scalar.Objective(parameters)    
    # compare x0 calculation
    print ''
    print ('Difference between x0 calculations = %f' 
            % LA.norm(array(ref_objective.x0)-array(my_objective.x0)))
    print ('Difference between objective calcs = %f' 
            % (ref_objective(x0)-my_objective(x0)))
    print ''


The second script measures the execution times for this new objective implementation versus the previous scalar and vectorized implementations. One important item in this script is forcing the garbage collector to run after each test. Without doing this, when new classes are created, additional Python instances are created while the old instances are left running. This could have been solved through a more clever class design. However, for this testing, the simplest solution was to force the garbage collector to handle the issue.



The first test measured the time to call the objective function once. This showed that the scalar solution was the slowest and the simple vectorized solution was the fastest. Surprisingly, parallelizing the problem (and using vectorization) resulted in a solution which was consistently between the scalar and vectorized solution.


vectorized parallel objective calls

The second test embedded the parallelized version of the objective function in the ellipse fit problem. In this implementation, the results were mixed. For small problems, the scalar solution performed best. As the number of points on the ellipse increased, the vectorized version provided the best results. However, the parallelized version appeared to converge towards the vectorized version for larger problems.

vectorized parallelized fit times


From this test, the conclusion was that parallelization using an approach like Parallel Python is not effective. One of the reasons for this is the large amount of data transfer that needs to happen to setup the function call. In this example, the ratio of computation to data transfer is low enough that the transfer mechanisms make the benefits of parallelization, for a system with 8 cpus, not worth the effort. If the data transfer were faster or the computation times were longer, then parallelizing using Parallel Python might have offered advantages.


Test Conditions:

Further Testing/Development

  • Evaluate the impact of imported modules
  • Evaluate ways to share read only resources among processes efficiently


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Vectorizing Scripts for Improved Performance: Faster Fitting an Ellipse to Noisy Data


Problem Statement:

The optimization problem to fit an ellipse is too slow.


The easiest thing to improve performance in a script is to try compiling it using a tool like psyco or py2exe. Beyond that, the time critical portions of the code can be written in C/C++ and embedded into the script using a library like scipy.weave or a tool like Cython.

If a Python script has elements which are naturally parallelizable, then there are additional approaches to improving the script’s performance. One approach is to break the code up and execute it among several CPU cores using a library like the multiprocessing library or parallel python. Another approach to try taking advantage of the CPU and GPU hardware using PyOpenCL. Finally, the script can be vectorized, where all of the equations are expressed as vector operations.

Since the objective in the Ellipse fitting problem is easily decomposed into a set of parallel equations, the solution considered here is the use of numpy and vectorization of the code.


The original problem, presented previously, is broken into a couple of modules. The first module generates the ellipse data used in the fitting exercise.

Module to generate noisy data samples about an ellipse. 
from numpy import *
from numpy import linalg as LA
from random import uniform,normalvariate

def generate_noisy_pts(a,foci1,foci2,
                    num_pts=200, angles=None,
                    x_noise = None, y_noise=None):

       Generate points for an ellipse given
          the foci, and
          the distance to the intersection of the minor axis and ellipse.
          the number of points can be specified,
          the angles for the points wrt to the centroid of the ellipse, and 
          a noise offset for each point in the x and y axis.
    c = (1/2.0)*LA.norm(foci1-foci2)
    b = sqrt(a**2-c**2)
    x1 = foci1[0]
    y1 = foci1[1]
    x2 = foci2[0]
    y2 = foci2[1]
    if angles is None:
        t = arange(0,2*pi,2*pi/float(num_pts))
        t = array(angles)
    ellipse_x = (x1+x2)/2 +(x2-x1)/(2*c)*a*cos(t) - (y2-y1)/(2*c)*b*sin(t)
    ellipse_y = (y1+y2)/2 +(y2-y1)/(2*c)*a*cos(t) + (x2-x1)/(2*c)*b*sin(t)
        # try adding noise to the ellipse points
        ellipse_x = ellipse_x + x_noise
        ellipse_y = ellipse_y + y_noise
    except TypeError:
    return (ellipse_x,ellipse_y)

def generate_point_list(num_samples,a_ref,foci1,foci2,sigma=0.2):    
    # generate list of noisy samples on the ellipse
    angles = [uniform(-pi,pi) for i in range(0,num_samples)]
    sigma = 0.2
    x_noise = [normalvariate(0,sigma) for t in angles]
    y_noise = [normalvariate(0,sigma) for t in angles]
    x_list,y_list = generate_noisy_pts(a_ref,foci1,foci2,
                                    angles  = angles,
                                    x_noise = x_noise,
                                    y_noise = y_noise)
    point_list = [array([x,y]) for x,y in zip(x_list,y_list)]    
    return point_list

if __name__=='__main__':
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    # define the foci locations
    foci1 = array([2,-1])
    foci2 = array([-2,1])
    # define distance from foci to ellipse circumference
    a_ref = 2.5

    num_pts = 200
    point_list = generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1,foci2)
    x,y = zip(*point_list)

The next two modules define the objective function in two different ways. In the first, the code calculates the objective function using scalar math. In the second, the objective function is calculated using numpy vector math.

The first module,, uses a class to define the objective function. This is done for several reasons. The first is that the class allows the parameters, the values which will not be changed by the optimization search, to be bound to the objective without a need to pass them through the optimizer. Additionally, the __init__ and __del__ methods in the class provide a convenient place to allocate special purpose services and hardware which may be used when evaluating the objective. To simplify the use of the class, the __call__ method is used so the instance of the class looks like a function to the optimizer.

This module contains an objective function and logic to determine the starting 
    point for the ellipse fitting problem.

This objective is coded using operations on scalar quantities.


from numpy import *
from numpy import linalg as LA
class Objective(object):
    def __init__(self,parameters):
        # setup parameters which will be used later
        self._p = parameters['point_list']
        self._sigma = parameters.get('sigma',0.2)
        self.x0 = self._find_x0()
        self._ahat_max = self.x0[0]

    def _find_x0(self):
        Determine the initial value, x0, for the optimization problem.
        points = array(self._p)
        x_list,y_list = zip(*points)
        # find x mean
        x_mean = array(x_list).mean()
        # find y mean
        y_mean = array(y_list).mean()
        # find point farthest away from mean
        center = array([x_mean,y_mean])
        distances = zeros((len(x_list),1))
        for i,point in enumerate(points):
        ind = where(distances==distances.max())
        max_pt = points[ind[0],:][0]
        # find point between mean and max point
        foci1 = (max_pt+center)/2.0
        # find point opposite from 
        foci2 = 2*center - max_pt
        return [distances.max(), foci1[0],foci1[1],foci2[0],foci2[1]]

    def __call__(self,x):
        Calculate the objective cost in the optimization problem using scalar
           equations which are summed.
        point_list = self._p
        foci1 = array([x[1],x[2]])
        foci2 = array([x[3],x[4]])
        a     = x[0]
        n = float(len(point_list))
        lambda_   = 0.1
        sigma    = self._sigma
        ahat_max = self._ahat_max
        total = 0
        for point in point_list:
            total += ((LA.norm(point-foci1,2)+LA.norm(point-foci2,2)-2*a)**2)/n
        total += lambda_*ahat_max*sigma*exp((a/ahat_max)**4)
        return total

if __name__=='__main__':
    import time
    from random import uniform, normalvariate, seed

    # local modules
    import ellipse

    # setup test conditions
    num_reps = 100    
    num_pts = 256
    precision = 'float'
    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results
    # setup the reference ellipse
    # define the foci locations
    foci1_ref = array([2,-1])
    foci2_ref = array([-2,1])
    # define distance from foci to ellipse circumference
    a_ref = 2.5
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list }

    # test the function on an NVIDIA card
    t0 = time.time()
    my_objective = Objective(parameters)
    x0 = my_objective.x0
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(0,num_reps):
        y  = my_objective(x0)    
    t2 = time.time()
    print ''
    print 'Initialization took %f sec' % (t1-t0)
    print 'Execution took %f sec' % (t2-t1)
    print 'Executed %i times.' % (num_reps)
    print ''


The next module vectorizes the codes for faster execution. To simplify the coding, the vectorized objective inherits the interfaces and initialization from the scalar objective code module.

This module contains an objective function for the ellipse fitting problem.
The objective is coded using vectorized operations.


from numpy import *
from numpy import linalg as LA
import objective_scalar
class Objective(objective_scalar.Objective):

    def __call__(self,x):
        Calculate the objective cost in the optimization problem using
           vectorized equations.
        point_list = self._p
        foci1 = array([x[1],x[2]])
        foci2 = array([x[3],x[4]])
        a     = x[0]
        n = float(len(point_list))
        _lambda = 0.1
        sigma    = self._sigma
        ahat_max = self._ahat_max
        pt_diff1 = point_list - foci1
        pt_diff2 = point_list - foci2
        x_f1_diff = pt_diff1[:,0]
        x_f2_diff = pt_diff2[:,0]
        y_f1_diff = pt_diff1[:,1]
        y_f2_diff = pt_diff2[:,1]
        x_f1_diff_sq = power(x_f1_diff,2)   
        x_f2_diff_sq = power(x_f2_diff,2)   
        y_f1_diff_sq = power(y_f1_diff,2)   
        y_f2_diff_sq = power(y_f2_diff,2)
        norm_pt_to_f1 = power(x_f1_diff_sq+y_f1_diff_sq,0.5)
        norm_pt_to_f2 = power(x_f2_diff_sq+y_f2_diff_sq,0.5)
        temp = power(norm_pt_to_f1+norm_pt_to_f2-2*a,2)/n
        total = sum(temp)
        total += _lambda*ahat_max*sigma*exp((a/ahat_max)**4)
        return total

if __name__=='__main__':
    import time
    from random import seed

    # local modules
    import ellipse

    # setup test conditions
    num_reps = 100    
    num_pts = 256
    precision = 'float'
    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results
    # setup the reference ellipse
    # define the foci locations
    foci1_ref = array([2,-1])
    foci2_ref = array([-2,1])
    # define distance from foci to ellipse circumference
    a_ref = 2.5
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list }

    # test the function on an NVIDIA card
    t0 = time.time()
    my_objective = Objective(parameters)
    x0 = my_objective.x0
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(0,num_reps):
        y  = my_objective(x0)    
    t2 = time.time()
    print ''
    print 'Initialization took %f sec' % (t1-t0)
    print 'Execution took %f sec' % (t2-t1)
    print 'Executed %i times.' % (num_reps)
    print ''


Executing and will provide some sense of the difference in speed between the two approach. However, it is a good idea to measure the performance under different conditions. The next script,, evaluates the implementation of the ellipse fit objective when different numbers of points are available for the fit. It also evaluates how the time to solve the ellipse fit problem changes between the scalar and the vectorized objectives when the number of points changes. To reduce the variation due to changes in the data points, the random seed is set to the same value each time points are generated.

This module contains an objective function for the ellipse fitting problem.
The objective is coded using vectorized operations.


__author__ = 'Ed Tate'
__email__  = 'edtate<at>gmail-dot-com'
__website__ = ''
__license__ = 'Creative Commons Attribute By -'''

import time
from random import uniform, normalvariate, seed
from numpy import *
import pylab as plt
from openopt import NLP

# local modules
import ellipse
import objective_scalar
import objective_vectorized


# setup test conditions
num_reps = 100   

seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results

# setup the reference ellipse

# define the foci locations
foci1_ref = array([2,-1])
foci2_ref = array([-2,1])
# define distance from foci to ellipse circumference
a_ref = 2.5

# measure the timing to setup and call the objective function

num_pts_list = [10,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000,50000]

objective_functions = [objective_scalar,objective_vectorized]
setup_times = []
call_times  = []
for num_pts in num_pts_list:
    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results    
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list }
    test_setup_times = []
    test_call_times = []
    for objective_function in objective_functions:
        t0 = time.time()
        my_objective = objective_function.Objective(parameters)
        x0 = my_objective.x0
        t1 = time.time()
        for i in range(0,num_reps):
            y  = my_objective(x0)    
        t2 = time.time()
    print 'Evaluated %i points' % num_pts

# plot the results
plt.legend(['scalar','vectorized'],loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Number of points')
plt.ylabel('Execution Time [sec]')
plt.title('Times for %i calls to objective function' % num_reps)

# test the performance when used in an optimizer

num_pts_list = [10,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000]

objective_functions = [objective_scalar,objective_vectorized]
setup_times = []
call_times  = []
for num_pts in num_pts_list:
    seed(1234567890)      # set the random generator to get repeatable results    
    point_list = ellipse.generate_point_list(num_pts,a_ref,foci1_ref,foci2_ref)
    parameters = { "point_list" : point_list }
    test_setup_times = []
    test_call_times = []
    for objective_function in objective_functions:
        t0 = time.time()
        my_objective = objective_function.Objective(parameters)
        x0 = my_objective.x0
        p_vectorized = NLP(my_objective, x0, iprint = -1)
        t1 = time.time()
        opt_result = p_vectorized.solve('ralg')
        t2 = time.time()
        print opt_result.xf
    print 'Evaluated %i points' % num_pts

# plot the results
plt.legend(['scalar','vectorized'],loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Number of points')
plt.ylabel('Execution Time [sec]')
plt.title('Times to solve the ellipse fit problem')

Testing Results and Conclusions

To easily see the results which cover a large range of numbers, the results are plotted on a log-log graph. Comparing the scalar calculations against the vectorized calculations of the objective function shows almost an order of magnitude improvement in computing time.

objective call times


When the vectorized objective is used in the ellipse fit problem, the performance improvement is almost an order of magnitude. For a small number of points, the overhead from the optimization routine is significant and reduces the improvement (as should be expected).

Ellipse fit times


Test Conditions:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.